就這樣, 從11/21 東元醫院住院到11/29 當天, 己有9天, 點滴數己經降為一分鍾3滴
終於有機會在這天改為口服藥, 關點滴了, 早上醫生來看過, 他說今天就試試看吧, 沒半法過的話你還是得留在這裡陪我 (我才一點都不想要咧)
兩小時護士會拿藥過來, 可是我自己有感覺, 即便兩小時吃了藥, 肚子它還是一直努力的在縮
終於來到下午四點, 護士走來問我, 一切還好嗎? 我說還好, 護士接著說那等會幫你裝上機器測測看宮縮的情形, 若是過關了, 你就可以回家了~~
測完半小時後, 依然維持每五分鍾高達50~60的宮縮指數, 婆婆叫我放鬆心情別想太多, 隨後老公下班後也過來看看情形, 護士來看測完結果, 便告訴我說你要出院的機會很低喔, 等會田醫師會再過來 (心情down 到不行) 我又得留下了, 己經待了九天了, 為何我還無法出院心裡有一度很想放棄, 但每當去照超音波時, 肚子裡的寶寶活潑樣子和他那麼努力想存活下來的情形, 都讓我這個媽媽告訴自己, 千萬別這麼放棄他, 他是一個生命, 我不能這麼放棄的~
當晚, 我打回娘家, 告知媽媽我依然需要再住院安胎, 但也不知我那根筋去想到, 突然想轉回台中的林新醫院, 我連忙上網查林新的轉院科, 再請我的保險業務 宜足, 也幫我問問看是否有認識的可以直接做轉回的動作, 還好, 宜足告訴我說他連絡上了一位林新婦科的衛教師, 他同意讓我們轉診,當晚我還是無法睡好覺, 就這樣一直到隔天的早上
東元的護士準備來換針了, 他問我要換那支手, 我說我還沒想好, 他們便是口氣很差的說, 等想好再跟我講吧, 可能準備換院了, 態度也不是太好~
在換針前我洗好澡, 換好乾淨的衣服, 沒多久救護車就來了, 我被推上了救護車, 老公跟在身邊
我想這是我長這麼大以來第一坐救護車, 躺在上面, 心裡很複雜, 好久沒看到外面的陽光了, 覺得很好, 但心裡是難受的, 因為還得打著針, 還要再換醫院, 一路上肚子很不平靜, 一直在宮縮, 就這樣很快的到了台中林新醫院
快到前林新的護理長很快出來接我, 幫我做好保暖的動作, 不想讓我吹到虱, 一到張醫生的門診我很快的被推進去門診, 盡管外面還有一堆人在等著看診~ 進去看完後, 張醫生說他打的劑量也太輕了吧, 告訴護士從10滴/一分鍾 開始吧, 看看情況再調高調低~
我很快被送進去待產室, 換上他們的衣服, 每個護士來的都好親切, 幫我換衣服, 為我打氣加油, 告訴我無聊時, 就多看幾部連續劇很快就可以出院去了, 跟我分享他們的經驗, 告訴我別想太多~只要寶寶健康沒有什麼比這個更重要的了~~ 在待產室觀察了一個下午, 張醫生下診後也來關心我的狀況, 他說宮縮真的很頻繁喔, 但我們不急, 慢慢來, 目前是35滴/ 一分鍾
護士也不希望再調高了, 他們担心我會心悸會受不了, 讓我含了一顆藥, 然後再做宮縮測試, 再決定要不要轉到普通病房
還好, 過關了, 當晚九點已轉往普通病房~ 終於可以好好休息, 老公也累了一天~
之後, 的每天開始, 張醫生早上就會來巡房, 他每天都帶著滿滿的笑容說, 很好呀, 狀況越來越好喔~~ 讓我也充滿著希望, 讓我可以好好安胎, 護士每天來也都會跟我小聊著為我加油, 要我別想太多~ 很快的, 我幾乎每兩天就降五滴~ 很快來到第十四天, 張醫生跟我說明天試著改口服藥, 觀察情況好嗎? 我心想說, 也好, 試試看有沒有比較穩定了, 護士每隔三小時會拿藥來讓我服下, 快接近三小時時, 就有宮縮的感覺, 經過六小時後, 狀況好像都還可以, 甚至半夜, 護士也會把藥送來, 把我叫醒, 讓我吃下, 直到隔天的清晨, 九點, 我藥吃完, 護士說, 要準備測宮縮囉, 裝好, 胎兒監視器及宮縮機器, 測了三十分鍾, 我感覺還可以, 雖然有小小的縮, 但不至於會到不舒服~~ 測完後, 護士把報告交給張醫生看過, 沒多久, 來通知我, 我可以出院囉
蝦米, 我終於可以出院了~我終於可以離開醫院看看外面的世界了~ 心裡好開心, 約莫十一點老公及安安來載我了, 那天剛好是周六, 安安看著我走出去外面, 他問我要去那裡, 我跟他說我要回家去了喲, 他說真的嗎? 媽媽可以出院了, 我好開心喔~ 我抱著安安, 心裡有種虧欠的難受~這一個多月來媽媽無法好好照顧你, 為了肚子裡的弟弟, 只能先把你放在台北媽媽家~ 讓你無法回新竹, 如今媽媽可以出院了, 也是無法陪你跑來跑去, 還是只能臥躺在床上~
但能夠常常在家裡看到你, 己經心滿意足了, 至少你陪在我們身邊, 也裡也踏實多了~
安胎這一個多月來真的好辛苦, 每天只能躺在床上滑滑手機, 看看i pad 渡過每一天~還要面到隔壁不同的病患, 有好吵的也有很好的病友, 我想這要講述真的可以再打一篇文了 =...=
最後感謝林新醫院的張醫生和護士小姐, 對我的關心和加油打氣, 讓子綾這麼快就可以出院了
2014年6月25日 星期三
2014年6月9日 星期一
幫小人點了個兒童餐 (這是前菜的麵包) 有必要這麼猙獰嗎?
其實他們的兒童餐, 有兩種, 一種是$249 有附玩具, 另一種是加點餐$198 就差在有沒有附玩具囉~
以下是來的餐點(生菜沙拉/ 奶酪/ 果汁/ 義麵/ 署條/ 濃湯)
我點的是雞腿奶油義大利麵 (雞腿我倒是沒看到) 只看到稀稀疏疏幾片肉片 =..=
口味還可, 但沒什麼奶油味 , 麵的份量還算可以 (不會太飽)
小人的餐點還是沒有吃完, 但小人吃的挺開心的, 看以下照片就知
很適合全家或聚餐的地方囉 , 餐點就普普拉~~
幫小人點了個兒童餐 (這是前菜的麵包) 有必要這麼猙獰嗎?
其實他們的兒童餐, 有兩種, 一種是$249 有附玩具, 另一種是加點餐$198 就差在有沒有附玩具囉~
以下是來的餐點(生菜沙拉/ 奶酪/ 果汁/ 義麵/ 署條/ 濃湯)
我點的是雞腿奶油義大利麵 (雞腿我倒是沒看到) 只看到稀稀疏疏幾片肉片 =..=
口味還可, 但沒什麼奶油味 , 麵的份量還算可以 (不會太飽)
小人的餐點還是沒有吃完, 但小人吃的挺開心的, 看以下照片就知
很適合全家或聚餐的地方囉 , 餐點就普普拉~~
2013年7月8日 星期一
The wold isn't going to stop functioning if you step out of it for a while.....
The wold isn't going to stop functioning if you step out of it for a while.....
不會因為你的離開, 而世界停止轉動
Get rid of negative thinking
Insecure>> day after day we feed our insecurities thinking
Accomplish>> how many days you need to accomplish?
Competent>> I was assigned to work with a group who are competent.
Prey>>> bad attitude fall prey to negative thinking.
When you face the difficult challenge are you become to be a optimistic about thinking?
>>> I would give myself some pep talk .
Next time if you tempted to throw the towel , remember that you write down your own destiny by the choice you make.
Stop to comparing yourself to others and grateful for what you have.
Have you ever throw the towel ? if so , what happen? why did you give up?
>>> Yes, I have intended to look for a new job, but I am fail, I knew I am lack confidence I cannot show my capable in front of others. I still stay in original company for work.
Can you think some benefit from practicing yoga?
>> help to control me emotion and focus on positive aspect of my life.
Insecure>> day after day we feed our insecurities thinking
Accomplish>> how many days you need to accomplish?
Competent>> I was assigned to work with a group who are competent.
Prey>>> bad attitude fall prey to negative thinking.
When you face the difficult challenge are you become to be a optimistic about thinking?
>>> I would give myself some pep talk .
Next time if you tempted to throw the towel , remember that you write down your own destiny by the choice you make.
Stop to comparing yourself to others and grateful for what you have.
Have you ever throw the towel ? if so , what happen? why did you give up?
>>> Yes, I have intended to look for a new job, but I am fail, I knew I am lack confidence I cannot show my capable in front of others. I still stay in original company for work.
Can you think some benefit from practicing yoga?
>> help to control me emotion and focus on positive aspect of my life.
2013年6月28日 星期五
Control TV before it control YOU
remote: far far away place.
pose: cause problem>>> TV pose a real danger to people , especially young ones.
channel surfing : I love watching TV, I am a channel surfing.
supervise: Parent can have a hard time supervised what programs their children are watching.
>>> our project was supervising to complete by my boss.
newscasts keep us informed of world event and local happenings.
Nature program show us thing that we might never see otherwise.
1. Can you think of anything advantages of watching TV?
>>> Yes, I can , I think there are many educational programs like ballet , how to be friendly to others and good towards others , those are beneficial programs for children.
Some TV programs show us violence and bad attitude , that can affect adult and children alike.
Can you think of any other disadvantages of watching TV?
>>> Yes , if we spend several hours on watching TV a day, it might be cause eye's problem.
Before watching TV, check the listing to see if there is anything worth to see.
Will you change the TV viewing habits after this lesson ? Why or Why not?
pose: cause problem>>> TV pose a real danger to people , especially young ones.
channel surfing : I love watching TV, I am a channel surfing.
supervise: Parent can have a hard time supervised what programs their children are watching.
>>> our project was supervising to complete by my boss.
newscasts keep us informed of world event and local happenings.
Nature program show us thing that we might never see otherwise.
1. Can you think of anything advantages of watching TV?
>>> Yes, I can , I think there are many educational programs like ballet , how to be friendly to others and good towards others , those are beneficial programs for children.
Some TV programs show us violence and bad attitude , that can affect adult and children alike.
Can you think of any other disadvantages of watching TV?
>>> Yes , if we spend several hours on watching TV a day, it might be cause eye's problem.
Before watching TV, check the listing to see if there is anything worth to see.
Will you change the TV viewing habits after this lesson ? Why or Why not?
2013年6月19日 星期三
Could you spend a week without television ???
captive is equal attract.
>>> TV kept audience captive around the globe.
reality show>> violence or sexual material (issue)
soap opera >>>
documentary >> 記錄片
drastic = extreme >>> take a look some suggestion what you could accomplish if you drastically reduced the amount of time you spend in front of TV.
could you get the consequence if you drastically reduced the amount of time you spend in study English?
>>> TV kept audience captive around the globe.
reality show>> violence or sexual material (issue)
soap opera >>>
documentary >> 記錄片
drastic = extreme >>> take a look some suggestion what you could accomplish if you drastically reduced the amount of time you spend in front of TV.
could you get the consequence if you drastically reduced the amount of time you spend in study English?
2013年5月14日 星期二
How not use your smartphone
disconnect>>>break connect
>>> peter's phone was disconnect because he forgot to pay the bill.
chating on line/ share on line.
require a permision before snap a photo.
we usually snap a phone and then share online.
body languege
facial expression.
imply>>> are u implyed i am one who stolen the money.
distraction >>> Don't let your phone become a distraction on the meeting.
silent mode
stifling your careativity
>>> what is your life stifle
resist the impluse to something>>> resist the impluse to spend every spare moment with your phone.
>>> resist the implue to play video game is hard to me.
think up>>> have a idea>>> think up a solution for your problem
unused time >>> occupy
do you text while walking??
>>>> sometimes for saving time, I would text while driving, but it is very dangerous.
are u addicted to your phone?
>>> peter's phone was disconnect because he forgot to pay the bill.
chating on line/ share on line.
require a permision before snap a photo.
we usually snap a phone and then share online.
body languege
facial expression.
imply>>> are u implyed i am one who stolen the money.
distraction >>> Don't let your phone become a distraction on the meeting.
silent mode
stifling your careativity
>>> what is your life stifle
resist the impluse to something>>> resist the impluse to spend every spare moment with your phone.
>>> resist the implue to play video game is hard to me.
think up>>> have a idea>>> think up a solution for your problem
unused time >>> occupy
do you text while walking??
>>>> sometimes for saving time, I would text while driving, but it is very dangerous.
are u addicted to your phone?
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